Best reasons to hire a Photo Booth for your Work Christmas Party !


It’s getting busy here at Shuffles Events with Christmas party bookings and we thought we’d bring a little smile and remind you why every work Christmas party needs a Photo Booth..

Let’s all be honest, a lot of staff parties can be pretty boring… You’ve worked with these people all year long and finally, you can see a holiday in sight when you can enjoy some well-earned rest from work (and your colleagues!). However, you just need to make it through the Christmas party first ;) Unless, of course, there in the corner, is a Photo Booth which brings huge amounts of joy and unlimited fun with every visit to entertain everyone all night long! A Photo Booth provides constant fun and ensures there is always something to talk or laugh about beyond listening to Sarah from accounts who’s just picked up a new kitten and Mike from sales boring us all with another story from his yearly winter trip to Turkey and how many cheap knock off t-shirts he bought!

All of us have at some point or another been in the position of receiving some sort of small token of a present from a boss and having to put on that grateful face to thank them for the amazing red wine with the company logo on the label. (This did, in fact, happen to me one year!) A Photo Booth is way more welcome and generous for the staff party than a torrid bottle of plonk! In fact, it’s a gift that keeps on giving for the evening as it prints out instant prints allowing all your colleagues to take home snaps of themselves reminding them that they made it through another year at the company :)

One of the pitfalls of the Christmas party is having to spend your valuable social time with colleagues, and as I know, this can lead you to drink to excess ;) This often results in many of us waking up with absolutely zero memory of what happened or worse still, the alleged things that happened during the evening! We will often spend the next day back at work trying to figure out what ACTUALLY happened from everyone’s small snippets of lucid memory. The Photo Booth stops all this by documenting the crazy antics of the night and tracking everyone through the evening! This stops the gossip of whether it is true or not - the proof is in the picture!

So there you go, some great reasons why you need to tell your boss your staff Christmas party absolutely needs to have a Photo Booth! With so many backgrounds, covers and print choices, as well as various price points, it doesn’t really matter if you work for a large corporate on the Isle of Wight or a small family business, every staff Christmas Party needs a Shuffles Events Photo Booth!

See you in your Christmas jumper soon :)

Luke Sherratt